We serve an awesome God who wants a relationship with us and listens to us when we pray! Throughout 2025, our congregation is going to be focusing on “Growing Closer To God In Prayer.” Various things throughout the year will connect with this theme. On this page, you can find information about some of those opportunities, keep up with new/ upcoming events, and catch up on anything that you missed.
Sermon Series - “Growing Closer To God In Prayer”
January - Growing Closer To God In Prayer - Cameron Piner
February - Growing Closer To Each Other In Prayer - Cameron Piner
March - Talking To A Holy God - Carl Ballard
April - Talking To The Sovereign God - Carl Ballard
May - Talking To God Our Father - Cameron Piner
June - Talking To A Wise God - Cameron Piner
July - Talking To A God Who Listens - Carl Ballard
August - Talking To A God Who Answers - Carl Ballard
September - Talking To A God Who Cares - Cameron Piner
October - Talking To A Gracious God - Carl Ballard
November - Talking To A Giving God - Cameron Piner
December - Talking To An Awesome God - Carl Ballard
Bonus - Full Body Prayer - Cameron Piner
Bonus - Unpacking Prayer Formulas - Cameron Piner
2025 Reading Plan
Join us as we read & meditate on the prayers found in the scriptures! Each week there is a prayer(s) of the week and some Psalms. Read the prayer & Psalms and meditate on them in whatever way works best for you. You can read them repeatedly, write them down, pray through them, sing them, study them, talk to others about them, or whatever you want to do in order to learn more about the prayers of the Bible. Meditating on the prayers of the Bible should impact the way that we pray and think about our God.
Article / Blog On Prayers of the Bible
On every Sunday throughout 2025, various members and friends of our congregation will be writing articles for our newsletter & blog. These will each focus on the current prayer of the week or on that week’s Psalm(s). Read the prayers & Psalms on your own, then hear what others have to say about them. If you would like to contribute to our newsletter/ blog by writing an article, then reach out to Carl Ballard or Cameron Piner for more information.
Monthly Prayer Meetings
Prayer throughout scripture is a way to develop your individual relationship with God, but it is also a way to develop your relationship with God’s family. Collective prayer is something that is frequent throughout scripture, and it is especially prevalent throughout the book of Acts. The first century Christians frequently met together for prayer, and they also frequently went house to house to spend time with each other. One example of this is in Acts 12:12, when “many gathered together and were praying” in the house of Mary.
Throughout 2025, we will have monthly gatherings for prayer in the homes of our local family in Christ. These will be wonderful opportunities to grow closer to each other and to God through shared time in prayer.
January 25th (Saturday - 7pm) - At The Piners’ Apartment
February 28th (Friday - 7pm) - At Ben Palmer’s House
March 22nd (Saturday - TBD) - At The Ballards’ House
April TBD - At The Sadlers’ Apartment
May TBD - At The Konrads’ House
June TBD - At The Drews’ House
July TBD - Women At Angela Barnhart’s Apartment, Men At The Piners’ Apartment
August TBD - At The Simpsons’ House
September TBD - At The Williamsons’ House
October TBD - At The Ballards’ House
November TBD - At Michelle Fino’s Apartment
December TBD - TBD
February 28th (7pm)
At Ben Palmer’s House
Prayer Topics:
- Prayer about love
- Prayer about our adoption into God's family
- Prayer for the women of our congregation
- Prayer for the men of our congregation
- Prayer about the friends/ family of members of our congregation
- Prayer of thanksgiving & praise
- Prayer about unity