2 Samuel 12:7 - 12
Blindness in Relationships
John 9
Growing Closer to Each Other in Prayer
James 5:13-18
(Recorded just after the election 2024) They Have Been Elected, Now What?
Romans 13; I Peter 2; I Timothy 2
Being Children of Encouragement
(Note in particular verses that mention Barnabas) Acts 4, 9, 11-15; Galations 2
Glorifying God in our Families - The Role of Children
Ephesians 6:1-3
Glorifying God in Our Role as Parents
Ephesians 6:1-4
Growing Closer to God in Prayer
Luke 11:1-4
Unto Us A Child is Born
Isaiah 7:1-4, 10-14; 9:6-7
Don't Just Be "Better"
2 Peter 1:5-8
Who Is Jesus to You and What Are You Going to Do about It
Isaiah 61
David, Peter, and Me
A Covenant Like David's
Isaiah 55
12/7/24 - Born Again by the Word of God
! Peter chapter 1
Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts
Luke 24: 13 - 47
Glorifying God as a Wife
Ephesians 5:22-24
Godly Husbands' Roles
Ephesians 5:25-31
They Have Been Elected... Now What?
How Christians should respond to leaders in government. - 1 Timothy 2; Romans 13; 1 Peter 2
Our Father
Luke 18:9-14; John 13:31-14:8; Matt 6:7-14
A Brief History of Neighbors
Luke 10:25-42