Effective Bible Classes (11)

Effective Bible Classes (11)

In addition to improving the worship and edification of our assemblies, we need to evaluate the effectiveness of our Bible classes. The principles we have considered regarding the assembly of the church must also be applied to the distributed effort of edification in each classroom. While preaching and teaching in the public assembly is vital to our spiritual growth, there is also a need for instruction in a more personal setting (Acts 20:20). Saints at different stages of spiritual growth and with different roles in the body have unique needs when it comes to spiritual nourishment (Tit 2:1-10). Separating into Bible classes is an opportunity to address these needs more directly. In this article we will discuss the distinct purpose of our Bible class period and evaluate how we can most effectively use this time for the edification of the body…

Keep The Lord in the Lord's Supper (10)

Keep The Lord in the Lord's Supper (10)

As much as the religious world gets hyped up about Christmas and Easter, the Lord’s Supper is the only divinely instituted celebration found in the New Testament. As the exclusive memorial of the Lord’s church, we should be impressed with its importance in our assemblies. Everything we need to be reminded of as Christians is encapsulated in this sacrificial meal. We must push, therefore, not so much to keep Christ in Christmas, but to keep the Lord in the Lord’s Supper…

Effective Song Worship (9)

Effective Song Worship (9)

As in all aspects of our assembly, effective song worship is something that takes serious forethought and diligent preparation. Blending our voices and joining our hearts together in a way that will be uplifting and God-glorifying is not an easy or mindless task. Song leaders must work hard to be purposeful in their song selection and guide each hymn in a way that will best emphasize its message. Each member in the pews must engage their hearts in the words they are singing and participate in a way that will be most encouraging to the brethren around them…

Effective Public Prayer (8)

Effective Public Prayer (8)

Another aspect of our assemblies we need to evaluate is the practice of public prayer. The early church devoted themselves continually to prayer (Acts 2:42), sometimes gathering solely for this purpose (Acts 12:5, 12). While the scriptures often emphasize the need for personal and private prayer (Matt 6:5-6), there is also great value in communicating our thanksgivings and petitions as a family to our Father in heaven…

Effective Preaching / Listening (7)

Effective Preaching / Listening (7)

…Every member of the body has a responsibility to participate when the message of God’s word is being delivered. Edification is a group activity and at no point in our service does it rest on the shoulders of one man. All of us must open our hearts to be built up and express our honor for God by actively listening to His word. In this article, we will examine practical ways that we can effectively engage in the sermon portion of our assembly, both from the "pulpit" and the "pews"…

A Scripture-Focused Assembly (5)

A Scripture-Focused Assembly (5)

As we strive to effectively worship God and edify one another in our assemblies, there is one tool that is indispensable to these goals—the word of God. An assembly where the scriptures are relegated to the sidelines and left unopened on the pews cannot honor God and cannot bring us closer to Him. God’s word must be kept as the focal point of our service and thoroughly embraced in every aspect of our assemblies…

Assembling Effectively (4)

Assembling Effectively (4)

…Worship, is first and foremost an activity of the inner man. However, this does not mean the outward aspects of worship are to be ignored. Our words and actions reflect the attitude of our hearts… We must make sure the way we conduct our services effectively demonstrates the reverence and devotion of our hearts. The purpose of the inner man must shine through in the external aspects of our worship. We must seriously consider how our assemblies can most effectively aid the inner man in accomplishing the goals of worship and edification…

Assembling Reverently (3)

Assembling Reverently (3)

When we assemble to worship the Lord, the attitude of our hearts is of utmost importance. Worship is first and foremost an activity of the inner man… Our service to the Lord has to be more than just outward rituals and going through the motions. Our worship assembly cannot be pleasing in God’s sight unless we approach Him with hearts of genuine reverence…

Assembling Faithfully (2)

Assembling Faithfully (2)

If we properly understand the purpose of our assembly, we should also understand its great importance. There should be no greater goal in our lives than those we are aiming for in the assembly—the glorification of God and furtherance of His kingdom. We cannot claim to have the Lord as our highest priority, if the assembly of His church is commonly pushed aside by other activities in our lives…

Evangelism Pep Talk (10)

Evangelism Pep Talk (10)

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand. Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me” (Ezek 33:6-7)…

Evangelism Pep Talk (9)

Evangelism Pep Talk (9)

Everywhere Paul went preaching the gospel he encountered opposition. In Philippi he and Silas were thrown into prison and in Thessalonica they had to flee by night to avoid an angry mob. Yet they continued to preach boldly regardless of the dangers they encountered (1 Th 2:2). Paul explains the reason for this continued boldness in the face of rejection to the brethren in Thessalonica…

Evangelism Pep Talk (8)

Evangelism Pep Talk (8)

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Is 55:10-11)…

Evangelism Pep Talk (7)

Evangelism Pep Talk (7)

How valuable is a single soul? How much time is it worth? …time talking with others about Jesus? …time inviting people to our assembly? …time engaging in personal Bible studies?

How much effort is it worth? …effort equipping ourselves to teach others? …effort getting outside of our comfort zone to talk to others about the gospel? …effort reaching out to our friends and neighbors? …

Evangelism Pep Talk (3)

Evangelism Pep Talk (3)

“My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and of Your salvation all the day long; for I do not know the sum of them” (Ps 71:15).

We tend to talk about things that we are excited or passionate about. Our conversations steer towards these topics with ease. Maybe its our children or grandchildren, our favorite sports teams, politics, or the newest movie in theaters. Since these topics are often on our minds, they frequently show up on our lips as well.

This principle should be no different when it comes to spiritual matters…

Evangelism Pep Talk (2)

Evangelism Pep Talk (2)

“For the word of the Lord has sounded forth from you, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone forth, so that we have no need to say anything. For they themselves report about us what kind of a reception we had with you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God…” (1 Thess 1:8-9).