Self Image

Self Image: A Biblical Perspective

We live in a self-obsessed culture. We plaster the internet with selfies and have social network pages dedicated to ourselves, where we can create our own self-image, self-promote, self-assert, and do just about anything but exercise self-control. The bookstore offers an ever-growing self-help section where we are encouraged to develop strong self-worth, self-respect, and pursue self-acceptance. We are urged to be self-reliant, self-sufficient, and self-confident. Commercials and advertisements play on our own self-interests and encourage us to seek self-gratification and self-indulgence. Yet, in the midst of all of this, most of us are still searching for ourselves. We are often self-deceived, self-centered, or self-righteousness. But instead of finding ourselves, our society is on a road to self-destruct.