When You Feel You're Never Enough

“For if the readiness is present, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have” (2 Cor 8:12).

As we strive to grow in our service to the Lord and diligently seek out opportunities to engage in His work, it is easy to grow discouraged and overwhelmed. The more we reach for growth, the more we realize we need to grow. The more we pursue opportunities to serve, the more we are confronted with the staggering amount of work to be done and our own woeful limitations. It is easy to throw our hands in the air and surrender to our inevitable failure and inadequacy. Yet, to do so would only make circumstances worse, not better.

Freedom from such discouragement can only be found by focusing on God’s expectations as we reach for growth each day. Human expectations, whether our own or those imposed by others, can often be either oppressively high or indulgently low. In either case, they tend only to take into account the outward and visible indicators of our spiritual life and do little to measure the inward effort and attitude of our hearts. God, on the other hand, knows exactly how zealously we are pursuing His work. He knows the abilities and resources at our disposal, and He alone can accurately measure our stewardship.

Our service is acceptable to Him “according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have.” This fact should be both sobering and comforting. On the one hand, we cannot hide behind a façade of good works. God not only sees the results of my works, He knows the true potential I possess. He knows whether or not I am giving Him my best. He sees the thoughts and intents of my heart and will know whether or not my actions are motivated by a genuine love and devotion for Him.

On the other hand, we don’t have to worry that our outward accomplishments are inadequate. We can know that God does not expect any more from us that what we are capable of giving. He is patient and understanding as we grow. If we are diligent to equip ourselves and fervent in His work, we can know that God is pleased and glorified by our efforts, regardless of how much we feel we have to show for them.

Though focusing on God’s expectations can help comfort and encourage us in our work, this should not cause us to relax our efforts or become complacent in our spiritual growth. We must be like the brethren of Macedonia, of whom Paul said, “I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord” (2 Cor 8:2). Our reach must exceed our grasp if we are ever to move forward spiritually. We must constantly be pushing beyond our current limitations to further equip ourselves for the Lord’s work.  What is acceptable in my service today will eventually expire. I cannot remain stagnant. What is enough today will not be enough a year from now. God’s expectations should inspire comfort, but not complacency. They should rather strengthen and encourage us to continue reaching forward each day.