What consumes our time? In what do we find the greatest pleasure and delight?
Psalm 1:2 describes the “blessed man” as one who delights in the law of the Lord. And meditates in the Lord’s law continuously, “day and night”, it is in the law of the Lord which he finds joy and delights. This is where he wants to spend his time and thought, contemplating, pondering the Lord and His law, spending time with the Lord Himself. The result will be Psalm 1:3; “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth it’s fruit in its season.” Spiritual fruit can only be produced by planting the right seed, “tending and keeping the garden” of our hearts and trusting the Lord to bring the increase, He is seeking. In 2025, may we find greater joy and delight in the time we spend with the Lord and His word and meditating on His greatness, His goodness as revealed in His word.
In Genesis 18, Abraham asks the Lord if He will spare Sodom and Gomorrah, if there are ten righteous people found there. God said that He would. In the days of Noah, the Lord destroyed the earth with a flood, and only spared eight souls. Abraham of course was concerned for his nephew Lot and his family. How many righteous souls are there in the cities where we have family? In 2025, let us pray that the Lord will spare the world. May the Lord give us more time to help others come to know Him as Lord (Psalm 2) and learn to delight in Him and His word.