How Could A Loving God (Part 1)

How Could A Loving God (Part 1)

...These are not easy questions to answer. We may struggle comprehending God’s operation in many areas for the rest of our lives. But the scriptures do not sweep these questions under the rug or hide from them. By revealing to us the truth about God and this world in which we live, they can help us properly come to terms with these doubts and questions. Over the next few weeks I want to explore what the Bible says about these issues in a series of articles. I hope they will help you develop deeper convictions about both the sovereignty and compassion of God...

Losing Ourselves in Service

Losing Ourselves in Service

“I just need some ‘me time’… I need to focus on me for a while and make sure my needs are being met… I need to spend some time finding myself.”

This type of language is very common in our society... As Christians, we cannot allow ourselves to start thinking this way.  Our concern should be finding God, not finding ourselves.  If we want to follow Christ, we are called to “deny self” take up our cross and follow Him (Matt 16:24).  That is where our focus should be...